Is that the Moon in that Puddle?

Newsflash: Joy, peace, and hope aren’t in our circumstances. Oh, sure, sometimes we believe we see them there, but I think it’s because our circumstances are like the surface of a puddle of water. Sometimes its possible to look at the surface of our circumstances and see peace, joy and hope reflected there. But at other... Continue Reading →

How Precious Are You, Really?

What do you have to do and be to be loved--really loved--by God? My dad had emergency surgery 40 days ago. He is still really sick. Sometimes the doctors tell us he is dying, sometimes they tell us he will pull through. My sisters are really great at doing medical research on the internet and telling... Continue Reading →

On the Journey of Life…

Need a humorous, inspirational speaker for your church, community, or corporate event? To learn more about booking Karen for your event, request an Information Packet by emailing Renee Berge at, or calling 360.929.1391.

Craving Connection

What comes to mind when you think the holidays?  Food, for starters. We put away generous servings of everything from sweet potatoes to snowman-shaped cookies with globs of frosting. But oftentimes the family part is the hardest. You may fortunate enough to have a Norman Rockwell family complete with scores of smiling relatives at your... Continue Reading →

Not yo’ mama’s party dress

One day my four-year-old approached me in the kitchen and announced, “Look, Mama! I’m ready to go to the party!” Indeed, Kacie was supposed to attend a birthday party in a couple hours. She was wearing her Princess Barbie nightgown. “Kacie, you can’t wear a nightgown to a birthday party." “But it's only a nightgown at NIGHT.... Continue Reading →

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